Haukeliseter to Finse trail

The Haukeliseter to Finse trail is a legendary route that traverses the stunning Hardangervidda plateau, offering hikers an unparalleled opportunity to experience one of Norway’s most captivating natural landscapes. Spanning approximately 100 kilometers, this challenging trek takes you through some of the most remote and untouched parts of the plateau, providing a true wilderness adventure that demands both endurance and preparation.

The Starting Point: Haukeliseter

Haukeliseter, situated at the southern edge of Hardangervidda, is a popular starting point for this epic journey. This mountain lodge, operated by the Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT), is easily accessible and offers comfortable accommodations and amenities to help hikers prepare for their adventure. Nestled beside the beautiful Ståvatn lake and surrounded by rugged peaks, Haukeliseter sets the stage for the breathtaking landscapes that await.

The Journey Begins

As you set out from Haukeliseter, the trail quickly immerses you in the raw beauty of Hardangervidda. The initial stages of the hike lead through verdant valleys and along the shores of crystal-clear lakes, offering relatively gentle terrain that allows you to acclimatize to the journey ahead. This section is rich with wildflowers in the summer months, creating a vibrant tapestry of colors against the backdrop of rocky outcrops and rolling hills.

Embracing the Wilderness

The trail progressively leads into more remote and rugged terrain, showcasing the true essence of Hardangervidda’s wilderness. Here, the landscape is dominated by vast expanses of tundra, interspersed with towering peaks and deep, glacially carved valleys. The air is crisp and clean, and the sense of isolation is profound, providing a deep connection with nature that is increasingly rare in our modern world.

One of the highlights of this section is the Hårteigen peak, often referred to as the “navel of Hardangervidda.” This distinctive mountain, with its flat-topped summit, is a prominent landmark visible from miles around. For those with the energy and experience, a detour to climb Hårteigen offers spectacular panoramic views that stretch across the plateau.

The Heart of the Plateau

As you traverse the heart of Hardangervidda, the trail takes you through an ever-changing landscape of highland plains, rocky ridges, and tranquil lakes. This part of the journey can be challenging, with unpredictable weather and rugged terrain testing your stamina and resilience. However, the rewards are immense: the solitude and silence of the plateau are truly awe-inspiring, offering a profound sense of peace and connection with the natural world.

The DNT operates several mountain huts along the route, providing essential shelter and a place to rest. These huts are spaced at convenient intervals, allowing you to break the journey into manageable stages. The camaraderie of fellow hikers and the warmth of a mountain hut after a long day on the trail are highlights of the experience.

The Final Stretch: Approaching Finse

As you approach the northern end of the plateau, the trail gradually descends towards Finse, a small village nestled beside the Finsevatnet lake. Finse is accessible only by train, adding to its remote and tranquil charm. The final stages of the hike offer some of the most dramatic scenery, with sweeping views over the lake and the surrounding mountains, including the imposing Hardangerjøkulen glacier.

Reaching Finse marks the end of an unforgettable journey. The sense of accomplishment and the memories of the stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and the sheer beauty of Hardangervidda will stay with you long after you leave.

Practical Tips for the Haukeliseter to Finse Trek

  • Preparation: This is a demanding hike that requires good physical fitness and proper preparation. Ensure you have appropriate gear, including sturdy hiking boots, warm clothing, and waterproofs.
  • Navigation: Carry a detailed map, compass, and GPS device. Although the trail is marked, the weather can change rapidly, reducing visibility.
  • Supplies: Stock up on food and essentials at Haukeliseter. While the DNT huts provide basic supplies, it’s important to carry enough provisions for the entire journey.
  • Safety: Be prepared for rapidly changing weather conditions. Inform someone of your route and expected arrival time in Finse.
  • Respect Nature: Follow the Leave No Trace principles to preserve the pristine beauty of Hardangervidda.


The Haukeliseter to Finse trail is more than just a hike; it’s an immersive experience into the heart of Norway’s most spectacular wilderness. This journey across Hardangervidda offers an unparalleled adventure, filled with breathtaking landscapes, a profound sense of solitude, and the simple joys of connecting with nature. For those who seek a challenging and rewarding trek, this route stands as a testament to the enduring allure of the great outdoors.

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