To reach the top of the mountain you will need to walk a 23 km long route located near Tessand, Innlandet. This route is generally considered a difficult route and takes an average of 8 hours to complete. The route is great for hiking, and it’s also unlikely that you’ll meet many other people while exploring the areas.
The best time to visit this route is from July to September. You’ll need to leave your pups at home – no dogs allowed on this trail.
Besshøe looms majestically in the landscape above Besseggen and Gjende. The peak is slightly off the route in the eastern part of Jotunheimen, between Gjend in the south and the peaks around Nautgardstinden further north. Getting to the top of Besshøe is relatively easy, but there are big changes in elevation and lots of boulders along the way. The route is often accompanied by bad weather and strong winds. The route road is not exactly marked everywhere, so it is quite easy to get lost. Basically, climbing the Besshøe peak is a difficult task that requires endurance.